The psychologists at CJ Psychology have an extensive background in counselling and offer a wide range of counselling and psychology services that can help you work through your issues and get back on track to health and happiness. Take a look below for a counselling service that might be for you and feel free to contact us and make a booking at our Geelong office.
Anger Management
At CJ Psychology Geelong, our anger management counselling will help you understand the causes of your anger and work out ways to manage and minimise its impact. Our anger management counselling looks at each person individually, and aims to address a person’s feelings and behaviours as it relates to their anger issues. We consider your...
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Anxiety & Depression
For anxiety and depression counselling, contact CJ Psychology in Geelong and arrange an appointment with one of our experienced psychologists. What is anxiety? Sometimes anxiety is normal and helps us perform at our best or avoid a harmful situation. But when these feelings become intense and overwhelming they can interfere with life. If you believe...
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Couples Counselling
Often the journey couples take can be an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows, good times and bad, and there are points where the hurdles can seem insurmountable. Frustration and resentment build up and you reach a point where you need to rediscover what it was that made your marriage or relationship work. Here’s...
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Drug & Alcohol Counselling
Drug and alcohol counselling with CJ Psychology, is a confidential service that can help turn your life around if you have an addiction problem. Talking with one of our psychologists can be a life-changing first step to reclaiming power in your life. Drug counselling is available for those who have a dependence or issue associated...
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Family Dispute Resolution
CJ Psychology offers a Family Dispute Resolution service to assist separating families communicate with each other in an attempt to find out what’s important for the children and resolve disputes. CJ Psychology has highly skilled Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners registered to provide 60I Certificates. Your Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) can take you through a...
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Grief Counselling
Grief is a normal emotional process that most people will have to deal with at some point in their lives. The team at CJ Psychology are a trusted source of grief counselling, with many years’ experience helping people navigate through the grieving process. There is no standard way for people to deal with grief and...
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Individual Counselling
The individual counselling sessions offered by CJ Psychology provide support for a range of issues. People needing individual counselling often have a complex set of interrelated issues that lead to low self-esteem and insecurities, which in turn impacts their ability to communicate with people and have healthy relationships. If this resonates with you or someone...
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Stress Management
Coping with stress is a challenge for many people and for some this challenge can feel overwhelming and lead to a struggle just dealing with life. Left unresolved, this can cause anxiety which can further compound the problem. The stress you experience might be work related, difficulties in relationships or triggered by the tasks of...
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Trauma Counselling
Traumatic experiences can shake a person’s foundations and have long-lasting impacts on mental health and well-being, self-worth, security, happiness and a whole range of other emotions. A trauma counselling session with CJ Psychology will first focus on building the trust and confidence in your practitioner so you can be totally honest about your feelings. In...
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Workplace Issues
Workplace stress can place a great burden on someone’s life. While a certain amount of work-related stress is normal, too much can affectyour emotional state and physical health, not to mention workplace productivity. The team at CJ Psychology can help you work out what’s going on and develop strategies to help you deal appropriately with...
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