Traumatic experiences can shake a person’s foundations and have long-lasting impacts on mental health and well-being, self-worth, security, happiness and a whole range of other emotions.

A trauma counselling session with CJ Psychology will first focus on building the trust and confidence in your practitioner so you can be totally honest about your feelings. In trauma counselling, an important but often challenging task is re-telling the story of events that contributed to your trauma. Our experienced team are extremely sensitive to this process and will help navigate you through the process at your own pace.

Trauma can result from recent events and/or childhood experiences. Some traumatic experiences can be suppressed. The practitioners at CJ Psychology are well trained to deal with any suppressed traumatic experience.

Our practitioners are experienced in sexual abuse counselling and can help you on a journey to finding peace from the trauma you have endured.  Victims never forget the assault but through trauma counselling they can recover to a point that their life is no longer controlled by that event.

Contact CJ Psychology to book an appointment for a trauma counselling or sexual abuse counselling . Also, browse our website and take a look at other counselling services we offer that might help you, including anxiety and depression and individual counselling for people who have self-esteem issues and problems forming relationships.